Institutional Governance


Sri Pramod Kumar Kedia,

Agarwal Siksha Samiti.

The field of education is expanding fast with more and more specialized and Professional courses being introduced by universities and educational institutions keeping in mind with changing needs of the society. Present trend is to make ourselves induced with the professional knowledge and modern techniques to challenge the changing competitive world and attain success over others.

Agarwal Siksha Samiti is making an impact in imparting quality education through modern methods under the steering of competent and experienced faculty. The institution has made rapid strides in the field of education and hopes to excel in the academic targets. Total facelift has been given to the institution by way of Digital Class Rooms, LED Projectors, Modern interior etc., to the students with the entire high quality teaching, learning environment. It is my profound desire that the young students of today's world would wake up to the hard realities and achieve the goals with noble thoughts and deeds.



CA Naveen Kumar Agarwal,

Hon. Secretary,
Agarwal Siksha Samiti.

Education is changing rapidly. New initiatives in terms of teaching methodology and best practices from the world's renowned institutes need to be integrated on a regular basis. Our results this year speak for themselves both academic and non-academic in all fields. I urge our faculty in confidently repeating the same and bettering it with the best of their ability. My wish for College is to inculcate in our students a caring attitude for self, for others, for country, for the world and of course for the environment.



Sri Badri Vishal Bansal,


The philosophy of our college has been to give back to the society a fully developed individual who can understand and accommodate to withstand all turbulences of life without forgetting Indian ethos and culture… Our enthusiastic team of Management is strong in its conviction and highly motivated which is eager to pass the same to the students and faculty. The success of any organization depends on the faculty. Our college employs the best faculty as far as possible to develop the student. To enhance students’ learning opportunities and experiences, the Institute organizes a myriad of activities such as industry visits, community outreach initiatives, cultural events, bazaars, sports activities and Student Council that students can engage in and be part of the Education. We urge every student to make the best use of the time at College, by using our offerings to its fullest potential.



Sri Umesh Kumar,


Education plays a key role in the overall development of the society. The role of education is definitely not limited to giving and grasping knowledge and theory. The true goal of education transcends much beyond just awarding degree and certificate to the students. As Mahatma Gandhi said, "By Education I mean an all-round drawing out of the best in child and man-body, mind and spirit". The ultimate goal of education is the discovery of the meaning of life and the fulfillment of life and all mankind as well as for oneself. The quest of education is knowledge, humanity, culture, wisdom and sharpness but it should be noted that knowledge is not given but earned and character is not granted but cultivated.

AGARWAL JUNIOR College not only focuses on the theoretical curriculum, but also help in the development of a student personality, extra-curricular activities and over all perspective. Everything that makes a good institution are - a highly trained faculty, rich library, placement division, teaching methods, liberty to think and express themselves - we have it here. The objective of higher education in rural area is associated with employment as it ensures a positive attitude to see the universe from better angle and to analyze, determine and apply an individual’s idea in a constructive development of society.

I firmly believe that our AGARWAL JUNIOR College is more than just a place to learn. It gives you a chance to grow by equipping with everything you need to achieve excellence. At AGARWAL JUNIOR College we ensure students get the best start to their future career to become smart and careful citizen of our glorious country, India.
I wish all the students a grand success in their career and prosperity in their future life.

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