
The first six years of life are critical years in a child life span since the rate of development in these years is more rapid than at any other stage of development.

To develop to his or her full potential a child particularly in these years need a ‘Stimulating environment’

The goal of early child hood education is development of the whole child. It includes activities and

Experiences for Our   Curriculum incorporates the concept of learning by doing. The child is exposed to a variety of experience where he or she Explores, Discover, Learn ,enjoy understanding the world around him or her.

Self activity by the child leads to better and more permanent learning, the Montessori way. The teachers prepare learning environment in a structured organized way with appropriate material and acts as facilitators helping the child to achieve learning goals.

                                    We believe each child is unique and so are his needs. our curriculum instructs the teachers to design special activities to cater to the needs of such learner. The theory of multiple intelligence is incorporated in our curriculum which indicates that by introducing a broader range of learning methods, (known as the intelligences) educators and indeed parents, can home in on an individual’s strengths and weaknesses by determining their preferred learning style. This would consequently give them the opportunity to learn in ways more productively to their unique minds

“If a child is not learning the way you are teaching, then you must teach in the way the child learns."

                                                                                                                                                Howard Gardener

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