
SAFETY AND SECURITY: A safe and secure environment is a prerequisite for effective teaching and learning.
Physical securityis essential to keep the school environment including the school buildings, premises, playground, laboratories, computer rooms, library,toilets, drinking water facilities, transport area and the surrounding areas safe and secure. School buildings are built to ensure safety and be more resilient to hazards. When it comes to any catastrophe, whether natural or man-made, the school administration trains staff, teachers as well as students to be better aware and prepared to respond. Security guards are also available for their services. To protect from fire,fire extinguishers are also installed for physical safety and first-aid facility also available in our campus.

To have Visual Security CCTV cameras are installed in key strategic locations across the campus not only to provide peace of mind, but also a sense of prevention, preparedness and response. The security cameras can be effective in school safety investigations, or even act as deterrents to such behaviour.This allows schools to be vigilant and constantly be on the lookout for any forms of child abuse, whether physical or emotional.
Just as the physical safety of children in schools is important to ensure complete student safety, so weensure their Psychosocial Safetytoo.Emotional and psychosocial maltreatment destroys a child’s sense of self and personal safety. Our School also provide the right ambience to develop and enrich talents to facilitate the total development of a child’s personality.

LITERARY & ART:  Every year we launch and conduct literary and art competitions. We allow and encourage students to participate in Inter-School Competitions which develop extra skills&build cleverness in students.

SPORTIVE AND TECHNICAL MIND: We see and make our children active in sports and technically too. Sportive mind give them physical fitness, stamina & immunity to their body. Technical mind allows them to deal with the taskand give the ideas for creative mind for innovative technology. 
“Sportive mind makeschildren as smarter as smart and Technical mind makes their mind as sharper as sharp.

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