Agarwal High School for Boys was established in the year 1945 as a tiny sapling & sprouted up into a strong and vibrant tree. It was nurtured by loving hearts dedicated to the promotion of life & growth in the young. In the year 1948 it was inaugurated by Late Sri. C. Raja Gopala Chary the then Governor with a handful of tiny tots. From the time of foundation many eminent personalities and philanthropic scholars have played a key role in the upliftment of the institution. As a result it has reached to its peak under the guidance of Sri. L. N. Gupta; IAS, Sri. B. Kishan Lal, Mayor; Sri. Bhagat Ram Gupta and Sri. Sagar Lal Gupta. Right from its humble beginning when the school education was not so widely spread in the pre independence days the doors of this institution were open to all the children irrespective of their caste and creed.

 Thousands of students have passed through the portals of this prestigious institution and are shining in various fields. As free education was offered so many poor families have been immensely benefitted from shamsheergunj to chandrangutta. For a couple of years the school was supervised by Sri. Keshavulu and in his leadership only it was upgraded into high school.

 During the years 1952 – 1953 Sri. Raghuraj Singh Ranjan the then principal of N.B Science College took care. Sri. Ambadas Rao’s tenure was another two years. Fond and inspiring memories of the past bring joy and enlighten the hearts of those who once shared the life of this dear institution.

We join the song of praise to Sri. Vishwanath Prasad ji who worked hard as head master for over 25 years in steering the school extremely efficiently and leaving the foot prints on the sands of time of his selfless work.

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